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Generate Stunning Color Palettes in seconds.

Simplify your color selection process with our Color Palette Generator. Just upload an image and our color palette generator will create a perfect color palette from it in seconds for you.

Generate Color Palette
Generate alluring Color Palettes with color palette generator

How To Use The Color Palette Generator -


Go to AI Quick Tools Section in Simplified.


Click on the Color Palette Generator tool.


Upload the picture from which you want to generate colors.


The Color Palette Generator will create a perfect color palette in seconds for you.

Create Palette Now
Process to Use The Color Palette Generator
Color Palette Generator to create beautiful designs and documents
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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have no experience in design or copywriting?

Don't sweat it, we've got you covered! With hundreds of stunning customizable design templates as well as photo, video, and graphic assets, you'll never have to start from scratch again. You can feed our AI any words, phrases, or even websites you love, and it will have a one-of-kind copy ready for you in seconds!

Is there a free version of Simplified?

Yes! We have a Free Forever plan, which will stay free...forever. If you're an agency, freelancer, or team looking to use our essential features, this is the plan for you. Get unlimited design projects, 1000+ fonts, millions of photos, thousands of templates and icons, instant publishing, and 1GB of storage.

How does your pricing work?

Pricing starts at $0 for individuals and $30 for teams. Our pricing is based on two things: the number of team members on your plan and your billing period. We have four plans to choose from based on what you're looking for price comparing.

How quickly can I get customer support?

Chat with us in-app or send us an email and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. We'd love to hear from you!

What is your refund policy?

We offer a Free Forever plan where our users can try Simplified's basic functionalities and make an informed decision. We do not offer refunds. If you're unsatisfied with your plan or need to change it, you can downgrade your plan or pause your subscription to avoid future charges. To learn more about our refund policy.

A Simple Way to Create Better Images

Get professional-quality graphics with less money and in less time with Simplified.

Get Your Palette