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All the content-creation tools you'll ever need, in one app

Design, scale, and publish images, videos,
and more— at lightning speed.

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All you need is already Simplified

Simplified is the only tool that helps you scale your marketing as you grow. Create just a single piece of content + we'll help you scale it. The best part ? It’s free.


Create fearlessly

Original Templates

features people

Stunning templates for every type of content. Designed to convert.

Rich Libraries

assets tools

Endless assets at your fingertips—without switching tabs.

Powerful Editor

man with star

Total design freedom to customize every pixel.

Build your Brand HQ


Move faster and stay on brand with Brand Kits

Never start from scratch again. Colors, fonts, and media files ready to use in every design.

Connect with Shopify, Google Drive, and your favorite apps

Bring in the apps you already love— and give them superpowers.


Find what you're looking for with Folders

All your projects impeccably organized so you never waste time searching.

Bring your team and your customers

Real Time Collaboration

Shrink your timelines and get work done together—same time, same page.

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Comment and mention team members directly on your design for faster and more collaborative feedback.

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Invite your team or share projects with customers—and keep things private when needed.

old menold men sub3

Start here. Finish here.


Start building your marketing machine

Fast, beautiful, streamlined content creation is a click away.

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